Yoga for Busy Little Hands – Mudras for Children

Yoga for Busy Little Hands
52 Pages
ISBN 978-1495380853

Yoga for Busy Little Hands: The Children's Book of Mudras brings calm, peace, self esteem, and joy to kids through mudras, hand gestures corresponding to acupuncture meridians.

This book helps kids ages 5-12 build self-empowerment, allowing them to learn how to access and send energy where it needs to go for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. Great for children with ADD, ADHD, and Autism.

Marsha Therese Danzig

About Marsha Therese Danzig (Dayton, Ohio Author)

Marsha Therese Danzig

Marsha Therese Danzig, M.Ed Harvard, is an author , speaker, dancer and yoga expert who has been bringing the healing powers of yoga and energy medicine to people of all ages for over 25 years.

She is the founder of Yoga for Amputees, a global program teaching yoga to people who have lost limbs. She is presently working on her next book, Yoga for Amputees, due for release in 2018.

Marsha is a childhood bone cancer survivor, kidney transplant recipient and below knee amputee. A dancer and mover to the core, Marsha is a passionate flamenco dancer and hispanophile. She has an abundantly hopeful view of life, and considers every day a gift.

From The Roots is her fourth book and her first memoir.

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