What are we going to do about Mom and Dad? – A Navigational Guide to Senior Living and Care

What are we going to do about Mom and Dad?
78 Pages
ISBN 9781543984743

Most of us do not know much about senior living and care until we have to know! It can be a 911, either literally or figuratively, that pushes into a whole new world. Imagine if you get a call from your parent's physician after a hospitalization that he/she will not be discharged to home and you have 2 days to find a place for him/her. You are facing a whole new vocabulary; set of options, financial decisions, and set of laws while dealing with the emotionality and family dynamics. This book is written to guide you through it. It's about navigating the ground game. You can spend hours researching, analyzing and becoming an expert yet do you have time for that?

This book is process oriented. Here are the steps, definitions, discussions to have, the financial piece, things to consider when making decisions, and how to honor your senior in the process. The goal is your parent's well-being and safety. Your strategy must be realistic and sustainable. It's one of those books that you carry with you, read as you go, review and discuss in family meetings. It is designed to get you and your senior through it and to a positive place in the long run.

*Additional reference material is indicated as well.

Jane Meyers-Bowen

About Jane Meyers-Bowen (Seattle, Washington Author)

Jane Meyers-Bowen

Jane Meyers-Bowen has a Master’s Degree in Psychosocial Nursing from the University of WA, one of the highest ranked nursing programs in the country. The focus of her study, academic research, and professional life have been focused on the Wellness continuum vs. the Illness continuum. The question is how can we promote people's wellness? How do we manage what life throws at us in a way that we not only cope but prosper from change?

She has led & managed organizational wide change initiatives as well as coached literally over 30,000 individuals negotiating major life changes to harness the benefits and peace of mind of that change.

Personally, she has sought out & pursued major professional changes in her own life requiring major redefinition of herself and letting go of comfortable spaces to embrace new opportunities and career satisfaction. Her personal journey helped to impact new industries.

She has worked directly with older adults and their families as well as written articles for over 15 years on senior living and wellness.

Go to her blog: www.latebloomersblog.com. Her blog is dedicated to celebrating life -by living fully and leaving a legacy. Through sharing ideas, images, research, & life stories her hope is to inspire you. She wants to carry new authentic positive messages about aging to a world that is terrified about aging thereby exposing the richness and elegance of the last chapters of life.