The Journey

The Journey
216 Pages
ISBN 1620209357

Fred Thorne must shoulder the full care and protection of his sisters after a fire leaves them homeless and friendless. He sets out to follow the last advice given to him by his great-aunt: Take the girls to Menevace, to the refuge home.

But the road to Menevace is fraught with bandits, famine, and unknown dangers.

The Journey follows the three Thorne siblings through rejection, captivity, and an increasing downward spiral of guilt as Fred fails time and time again to protect his family from the dangers of a hostile world. Can the Thornes find a place of rest and safety? Will their journey ever end? Dangerous cities, breathtaking creatures, and an incredible adventure awaits in this debut novel by Verity A. Buchanan.

Verity A. Buchanan

About Verity A. Buchanan (Northern Michigan, Michigan Author)

Verity A. Buchanan

A storyteller by nature, Verity A. Buchanan writes to share her words with the world and give God the glory. The world of Legea took over her life about 8 years ago and she's been there ever since. She wrestles through late nights and uncooperative characters to portray stories of courage, family, and very ordinary people living ordinary lives because it's in the ordinary that we find the extraordinary.

Since writing late nights doesn't pay the bills, Verity works on a dairy farm in the gorgeous countryside of rural northern Michigan. In spare time, she haunts the pages of The Silmarillion and gives her piano hours of love.