Sword of the Prophet

Sword of the Prophet
195 Pages
ISBN 9781519656858

Sword of the Prophet. A fast-paced International Thriller.

The Sword of the Prophet, an international lone wolf terrorist, unleashes a devastating biological weapon, his ‘Invisible Warriors for Allah,’ against the United States. Families and friends, celebrating a cherished American holiday, Thanksgiving, fall sick, and within days, start dying. Kuno Zell, a former commando and sniper, finds himself faced with an agonizing choice: Protect his family or see the United States fall into chaos and destruction. Their lives disintegrating around them, two determined men must face the repercussions of their choices. With our world in turmoil, Sword of the Prophet is right out of our daily headlines, and entirely possible.

Benny Kjaer

About Benny Kjaer (Albuquerque, New Mexico Author)

Benny Kjaer

Benny Kjaer, a native of Denmark, lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with his wife Sylvia, and two dogs. As the founder of several companies, he spent most of his adult life in the business world before retiring to concentrate on his true passion, fiction writing.

In 2001 he participated in "For enden af regnbuen?" and in 2014 "Den dag regnbuen blev gra - Danske skabnefortellinger i USA efter 9/11," both anthologies compiled and edited by Bo Ostlund and published by Forlaget Mellemgaard, Odense, Denmark. Sword of the Prophet is his first novel.

Reader comments:

"Awesome read. " Bill S.

"From a voracious non-fiction reader, I truly enjoyed The Sword of the Prophet. A great wordsmith. Also enjoyed all the references I experienced in New Mexico." Roger B.