Salad Pie

Salad Pie
44 Pages
ISBN 978-0-9913866-4-2

Maggie arrives overjoyed at the park because now she can make Salad Pie! But then Herbert arrives over wants to play too.

Herbert just wants to help, even though Maggie makes it clear she won't let him. Then her imaginary pie takes a spill, and she realizes Herbert's intentions are not so bad after all.

In a picture book Kirkus reviews calls "warm and winning," discover the power of imagination, friendship and the unexpected.

Wendy BooydeGraaff

About Wendy BooydeGraaff (Grand Rapids, Michigan Author)

Wendy BooydeGraaff

Wendy grew up making mud pies in Grimsby, Ontario, but now lives and works in Grand Rapids, Michigan (though she firmly honours her Canadian heritage by retaining the "u" in words such as favourite and moulding.

She is the author of the picture book SALAD PIE (Ripple Grove Press, 2016) which has inspired several children to go outside, pick up shiny gum wrappers at the park and add them to a pretend pie. She also has work in publications such as Great Lakes Review, Smokelong Quarterly, Bending Genres, and elsewhere. You can find out more at her website ( Connect @BooyTweets, Goodreads or Pinterest.