Ruby’s Choice – Alterworld, Vol. 1

Ruby’s Choice
133 Pages

What would do if you could start over at age 22?

Marilyn Ruby is a wife and mother of triplets. After dropping the kids off at school, she sees her regular coffee shop lined up with cars. So, she decides to try a new place across the street. What she doesn’t know, is the place is run by faeries.

Marilyn settles down for a relaxing bath, and finds herself in a different place and time. Marilyn suddenly faces a choice: a fresh start or the mundane life she’s grown accustomed. She has twenty-one days to decide, which one will she choose?

T. R. Montaine

About T. R. Montaine (Macomb County, Michigan Author)

T. R. Montaine

I was born and raised in Michigan. I lived beneath many maple-leaf canopied suburbs, and asked, “What time is Mr. Fox?” While I tried avoiding the buzz of the street lamp telling me to go home.

I started writing when Kindergarten was a word, not a way of life. I went to community college, and received an Associates Degree in indecision, (they call it General Studies) in 2012. I worked in every occupation, except health care, until my back ached for me to quit. It isn’t a bad thing because I am doing what I was meant for - making people happy.

My husband and I celebrated our 20-year wedding anniversary in October 2019, and we have two amazing daughters. The girls are 30 and 14, and they make our hearts grow every day.

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