On Little Cat Feet – Alzheimer's Disease: Subtle, Meddlesome, Sinister

On Little Cat Feet
296 Pages
ISBN 978-1-4787-3429-1

Alzheimer's Disease slowly and silently tangled Isabella's brain and triggered her daughter's denial that her mother had the disease. Surely forgetfulness and confusion come with aging. But, other health troubles were boisterous and arrived in battalions. As troubles piled on, Georgann thought, "Are you kidding me? Fate doesn't think this is overkill?" Isabella moved through the seven stages of Alzheimer's, and her family adjusted her daily homecare. This is a memoir for anyone who wonders: Is this Alzheimer's? If it is, what do I do?

Georgann Prochaska

About Georgann Prochaska (Chicago, Illinois Author)

Georgann Prochaska

Georgann Prochaska’s biography

After retiring from teaching, Georgann Prochaska became a caregiver for her mother and aunt, an experience she wrote about in a memoir, On Little Cat Feet. Revisiting memories of family led to writing mysteries. Secrets kept by children influenced the way they grew up. Although she writes with a light touch, an undercurrent runs through her work: children who were neglected, bullied, experienced violence. The amateur sleuths solving cold cases bring the warmth of belonging and friendship. The Case of the Girl Who Didn’t Smile is the first of the series, followed by The Case of the Hound Who Didn’t Stay. The Case of the Ex Who Plotted Revenge is the third of the Snoopypuss mystery series.