Novy's Son

Novy's Son
324 Pages
ISBN 978-1497330399

This is the second edition where real names and places are used when known. From his early childhood, Murray Clark sought love and acceptance from his father, who was raised as the bastard child of a famous artist.

Murray struggled with jealousy toward his younger brothers, and he questioned the morals and values of people around him. As an adult, Murray lived life his way, with years of lying, womanizing, and heavy drinking. Though married four times, did he ever find unconditional love? Would Murray’s high intelligence, his love for his two daughters, and his unique philosophy of life help him rise above his demons?

Karen Ingalls

About Karen Ingalls (Orlando, Florida Author)

Karen Ingalls

Karen Ingalls is the author of a twice award winning historical fiction, a biographical fiction, and an award winning non-fiction. She has published articles for journals and websites. She writes three blogs: Mind, Pen, Spirit for authors and avid readers (, Ovarian Cancer Journeys (ovarian cancer information and inspiration (, and Outshine Ovarian Cancer about health/wellness, relationships, and spirituality (

Ms. Ingalls is a retired registered nurse with a Master's Degree in Human Development (a double major in psychology and human services). She does public speaking on health/wellness, gynecologic cancers, living life with hope, and stress management. She has done presentations for University of Florida Pharmacy Students, University of Central Florida nursing students, church groups, service organizations, libraries, and nursing homes.

Her philosophy as an author is: "The only important thing in a book is the meaning it has for you." (Somerset Maugham). As a nine year ovarian cancer survivor she lives by the philosophy: "Hope is living with courage and confidence, not fear." (Penny Boldrey)

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