Nish – The South’s Man of Mystery and Deception

240 Pages
ISBN 9781505889642

Farmer, Preacher, Physician. Abraham Dionysius Chenault was best known as the Southern planter tortured by a Union general in the search for the stolen Confederate gold. Embittered by the Civil War and the ultimate humiliation on his own farm, he relocated to north Georgia, where he found new respect as a country doctor...using a forged medical school diploma! Strange, but true. Nish Chenault’s complicated life is unraveled in this historical novel based on real-life events.

Bob Young

About Bob Young (Columbia County, Georgia Author)

Bob Young

Bob is the former mayor of the City of Augusta and senior executive in the administration of President George W. Bush. An Emmy-nominated broadcast journalist, Bob has been presented the Jefferson Davis Award for his work in South History by the United Daughters of the Confederacy.

His first book, The Treasure Train, was a finalist for the Frank Yerby Award. Bob attended Wofford College and Augusta University. He is an Air Force veteran of the Vietnam War. Bob and his wife Gwen, a retired real estate broker, live in Augusta’s historic Summerville district.