Menu for a Month

Menu for a Month
106 Pages
ISBN ISBN978-194-5667251

Want to learn to make simple meals for your family? Know how to cook, but can't think of what to fix for dinner tonight? Living on your own and tired of fast food? Here is the answer: Menu for a Month shares ideas for family mealtime whether you are a beginner or an accomplished cook.

Old-time recipes your grandma might have fixed, like homemade apple pie. A Sunday breakfast of biscuits and gravy that your mom may have prepared. You can even select a recipe like banana salad and make it your signature dish!

Connie Condron Dow

About Connie Condron Dow (St. Joseph, Missouri Author)

Connie Condron Dow

Connie Condron Dow grew up on the Condron family homestead, the oldest of five children. Throughout her life she heard bits of stories about that long-ago War Between the States when her Grandmother's family members fought for the north and her Grandfather's family members fought for the south.

The Condron homestead has been in the family for generations, starting with the first Peter Condron who came to America from Ireland.

This book is fiction, but based on some of the old family tales and how the author imagined the women on the farm lived and survived.