Maria Ines

Maria Ines
230 Pages
ISBN 13: 9781432832773

An Indian girl born under Padre Serra's cross at Mission San Miguel de Arcangel witnesses the political intrigue and greed of Spanish, Mexican and Yanqui invaders who plunder California, destroying everything she loves.

A refugee in her own land during the Time of the Troubles, Maria Ines struggles to survive while she reclaims her family, her faith and her ancestral identity. A moving must-read for fans of the Old West and of Native Americans' legendary history.

Buy or request that your library order a copy.

Anne Schroeder

About Anne Schroeder (Grants Pass, Oregon Author)

Anne Schroeder

A fifth-generation Californian, Anne Schroeder's love of the West was fueled by stories of bandits and hangings, of her great-grandfather and his neighbors working together to blast the Norwegian Grade in Southern California our of solid rock, of Indian caves and of women who made their own way.

Anne recently served as President of Women Writing the West. Her short stories and essays have appeared in print and online magazines. She lives in Southern Oregon with her husband, dogs and several free-range chickens.