Maeseloria: Duty's Song

Maeseloria: Duty's Song
394 Pages
ISBN 978-1492138471

“Gods watch over ye restless spirits who roam the night. Gods protect ye from whatever evil may trouble thee and finally, gods grant ye the peace that ye seek.” The prayer was one she learned what seemed like ages ago. Those ages spanned no more than a few years. Now, she understood the prayer, laced with a small amount of healing magic eased the restless souls caught in desperation. As she spoke, those peaceful waves radiated from her. In the depths of her mind, she could feel those that lingered in between. Those who had perished remained not quite on this side nor had they passed on fully.

Old blessing, rebirth...duty. Alex and Marc have only begun the path before them. The path to Maeseloria is the path home. Follow them as Fate calls its children home one by one

Sandra Hults

About Sandra Hults (Toledo, Ohio Author)

Sandra Hults

Hello! I’m glad you took the time out of your busy day to visit! I’m an author, a wife, a mom…a coffee lover and a part time knitter who loves to cook. Creativity comes to me through different mediums and I find joy in each activity but my true passion is writing.

I am a born and bred Toledo girl who moved out to the suburbs to “get out of the city”. I have lived in Ohio my entire life, while my husband is a transplant from all over the country. I hear often from him how our little state is “a bit different” than other places he’s lived with the exception of construction. That hassle, he says, is universal.

Every authors perhaps favorite, and least favorite, question is “what inspires you”. This question is closely followed by what do you write about. Music is my biggest inspiration. Songs will come on the radio and I get almost a visual snapshot of a scene for my books. They are a blend of politics, romance, and fantasy. Elements of the Maeseloria series touch on faith too. In my mind, a good book series touches on multiple genres to entrance and keep a reader coming back for more.

That is my hope. That m That my readers love my stories as much as I have come to love the characters and their nuances.

Please visit my website to connect with me. I’d love to hear from you. You can find me at