Like The Flies On The Patio – Short Stories

Like The Flies On The Patio
178 Pages
AnthonyAnn Books
ISBN 978-0-9884944-2-8

Klann-Moren’s unique style and distinctive voice shine throughout this unforgettable short story collection.

Whether in a seaside bar, a suburban garage, or a Chicago apartment, she explores the complexities of relationships, some real, some imagined. Klann-Moren’s narratives capture the tender undersides of these individuals who struggle to make sense of the turns in their lives.

These fascinating character portraits stay with the reader because of their uniqueness, and also because one is almost certain they have met them before. Nancy’s writing style is eclectic and poignant, engaging and finely tuned.

Nancy Klann-Moren

About Nancy Klann-Moren (Orange County, California Author)

Nancy Klann-Moren

Nancy Klann-Moren's life as an Advertising and Marketing executive dictated much travel. Her writing journey began as a creative outlet on long plane rides. She dabbled in short fiction. Soon she signed up for writing classes, conferences and local workshops. Her goal: to create unique stories told in a distinctive voice. Some of those stories have garnered awards and publication in anthologies. Eleven of them are published in her collection of short stories titled, Like The Flies On The Patio.

Short stories were her primary genre until one morning while in a workshop at The Santa Barbara Writers Conference, she read an excerpt from a work-in-progress. When finished, the instructor said, “What you have written isn’t a short story, it’s a novel.” Nancy's first inclination was to reject his suggestion―but, after a good deal of foot dragging she came to realize the seed he'd planted was ready to sprout. And, her strong beliefs about the subject matter compelled her to write the novel, The Clock Of Life. The novel has garnered awards from Writers Digest, Next Generation Indie Book Awards, Readers Favorite Book Awards, Kindle Book Awards. It's a BRAG Honoree, and an Awesome Indies AIA Recipient.

Future projects include another collection of short stories and a new novel loosely based on the time she and a friend found an old diary in an antique shop and went in search of the lady who wrote in the book.

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