Jam Today – A Diary of Cooking With What You've Got (Revised and Updated)

Jam Today
260 Pages
ISBN 978-1-935259-36-7

Warm, conversational, and exquisitely practical, Tod Davies returns to the Jam Today series in an update of her original cult classic cookbook memoir. Featuring all new techniques and recipes—from how to brine just about everything to weird stuff, including Chinese Takeout Rice Pudding and Millennial Bowl cuisine—Jam Today continues to provide all the ingredients for daily feeding of mind, body, and soul.

“Jam Today is just my kind of book—one of those rare trackings of the healthy human animal rustling about the kitchen then settling in at the table. In addition to some great meals made to satisfy desires, needs, whims or simply to make use of what’s at hand, Jam Today is a complete pleasure to read.”—Deborah Madison, author of Local Flavors and What We Eat When We Eat Alone

“The spirit of M.F.K. Fisher surely hovers over this book, amused and beguiled by a cook whose prose has the same artful composure, and whose cooking possesses a similar innate sense of style. I believe that good cooks are born, not made—but steep your culinary self long enough in the pages of Jam Today and it might just be born again.” —John Thorne, author of Outlaw Cook and Mouth Wide Open

“Tod’s spirit of intentionality is inspiring. That’s the key to keeping calm in difficult times, I think, being intentional, living deliberately, sharing love. I wish I lived closer because I’d invite her over for a meal — and you’ll want to do that too, when you’re done reading this delightful book.“—Deb Baker, BookConscious

Tod Davies

About Tod Davies (Ashland, Oregon Author)

Tod Davies

Tod Davies, editorial director of indie Exterminating Angel Press, is the author of The HIstory of Arcadia fairy tales for adults series, Snotty Saves the Day, Lily the Silent, The Lizard Princess, and the upcoming Report to Megalopolis (August 2018), as well as the Jam Today cooking memoir series, Jam Today: A Diary of Cooking With What You've Got and Jam Today Too: The Revolution Will Not Be Catered. Unsurprisingly, her attitude toward publishing, fantasy, cooking, and literature is the same: it's all about discovering and preserving human values. Davies lives with her husband, the filmmaker Alex Cox, and their two dogs, in the alpine valley of Colestin, outside of Ashland, Oregon.