Inukshuk – Home Ahead

116 Pages
ISBN 978-1721621491

Home may be a place you’ve never been to.

Find out why a road may beat a body but heal a soul. Learn about fiddleheads, poutine, sugar bush and why moose are criminally insane. Come, find a peace that passes understanding.

Join author Ben Baker as he takes a life-changing journey to Canada. Ben is a native Southerner, author, dad, preacher and newspaper editor. This is his 14th book.

Ben Baker

About Ben Baker (Other Author)

Ben Baker

Ben is a syndicated humor columnist, author, hunter, dad, fisherman and hunter. He currently runs a small newspaper in Southwest Georgia and believes the Oxford Comma is an abomination.

So far Ben has authored 14 books that are in print, two of those ghost-written, contributed to two humor anthologies and more than 30 history books. He has several books in the works.

His favorite authors are Douglas Adams, John Brunner, Harry Turtledove, Issac Asimov, Frank Herbert, Robert Roark, Gordon MacQuarrie and Charles Shulz.