Inner Demons – Three Fantasy Tales

Inner Demons
55 Pages
Heathermoors Books
ISBN 9781393883104

A book.

A carnival ride.

A “perfect” neighbor.

These three may seem like everyday occurrences, but they take on new, more wicked forms in Teresa Edmond-Sargeant‘s collection of short stories “Inner Demons: Three Fantasy Tales.” 

Teresa Edmond-Sargeant

About Teresa Edmond-Sargeant (Orlando, Florida Author)

Teresa Edmond-Sargeant

Teresa Edmond-Sargeant is an award-winning journalist and author. She released her first collection of short stories “Inner Demons” in October 2020. She is the author of the short story ebooks “Eve the First,” “For My Sister,” and “Sammy’s Butterflies.”

She will release her debut novel “ Warding Off Reality” in August 2021.

In her spare time she enjoys reading, shopping, traveling, working out, volunteering, and filling her mind with useless factoids worthy of pop culture trivia games.