I Got You an Elephant for Christmas!

I Got You an Elephant for Christmas!
26 Pages
ISBN ISBN-10: 1986304817 ISBN-13: 978-1986304818

A cute, entertaining story in which YOU are the one giving an elephant to a loved one for Christmas. Having an elephant in your house creates some amusing situations. A fun read for all! This book is intended for children aged 3 to 7. Also available is a coloring book featuring the main characters from this story. The title is "Mr. Elephant and Sugar Puppy."

K.C. Gardner

About K.C. Gardner (Inland Empire, California Author)

K.C. Gardner

I live in Southern California with my dog, Sugar Puppy. I have three young nephews that I adore, and a variety of interests including, but not limited to: writing, drawing, photography, painting, running, roller skating and gymnastics.

I have spent the majority of my adult life as a preschool teacher. I love children and animals. You can be sure I'll be writing more books featuring both!

Follow me on FaceBook at K.C.Gardner@KCkidatheart, my website/Blog: www.authorkcgardner.com, my Amazon page:https://www.amazon.com/K.-C.-Gardner/e/B07DNJJXBX/ref=dbsppbkrwtabau and/or Twitter: https://twitter.com/kymmkckc

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