264 Pages
ISBN 9781548795481

"Eye of the Owl" explores the sobering reality of the vulnerability of U.S. nuclear power plants. When the Fourth of July comes to a Midwest town it has a quiet enough start, but terrorists have a two staged plan to strike fear in the hearts of patriotic party-goers.

A newly formed investigation agency offers their help to consult on security and quickly ends up in the front lines.

Dan Allex (Kubicek)

About Dan Allex (Kubicek) (Austin, Minnesota Author)

Dan Allex (Kubicek)

Dan Kubicek writes under the name Dan Allex. He was born in Austin, Minnesota, and graduated from Pacelli High School.

Dan graduated from NDSU, Fargo, N.D., in 1970 from the School of Pharmacy. After retiring in 2010 he started writing mystery stories using the synonym Dan Allex.

He is self publishing and his nine books are available as e-books and also printed versions.

For more information about Dan, Dan Allex mysteries, and how to get a copy go to danallex-com1.webs.com or visit Sweet Reads, my favorite hometown bookstore in Austin, Minn.