Cotton-Pickin' Southern Belle

Cotton-Pickin' Southern Belle
76 Pages
ISBN 9781788785631

A beautiful Southern Belle living in a luxurious mansion begins to have nightmares about seeing herself standing in the middle of a cotton field with blood on her hands. These nightmares seem to get more and more vivid and her husband suggests just maybe there is something to the dreams.

After continuing to wake up in anguish, she finally decides maybe she should ask someone about these dreams. Could there be some truth to the dreams?

Seletha M Head Tucker

About Seletha M Head Tucker (St. Louis, Missouri Author)

Seletha M Head Tucker

Seletha Tucker was born in Memphis, Tennessee, and currently is an elementary school teacher in St Louis, Missouri. She is married with two adult children. She has been a published author for about eight years and since then has written and published 20 books. She has opened her own publishing company called North Memphis Publishing House in September of 2020 and has published over ten books for other authors.

She has a master’s degree education and has enjoyed writing children’s books, women’s advice books, a prayer book and a novel published in London, England.

She enjoys reading, traveling and shopping when she’s not writing.