April Fools Daily

April Fools Daily
414 Pages
Forestwood Publishing
ISBN 9798544851318

It’s Not What You Know, It’s Not Who You Know, It’s How You Look

Dessie Killmade is not blonde or beautiful, but she can sing. She just has to find a way to get someone to look past the façade and listen.

April Fools Daily chronicles the life of the shy rock singer as she struggles to succeed in life, career and love over the obstacle of her less-than-stunning looks. The saga traces the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s world of the St. Louis music scene from the vantage point of a fan and aspiring musician.

Yes, there’s sex, drugs, and rock ’n’ roll (but not necessarily in that order or for the protagonist).

Eileen P. Duggan

About Eileen P. Duggan (St. Louis, Missouri Author)

Eileen P. Duggan

Eileen P. Duggan, a lifelong St. Louisan, is a freelance writer, editor, journalist, piano teacher, and dabbler in other trades too numerous to mention. A former newspaper reporter and editor, she has written for several St. Louis-based and national publications. She holds a bachelor’s degree in piano pedagogy and has written music reviews for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and a music column for the West End Word.

Many of her published pieces, along with original writing, are available on her blog, Versatiliosity, at Dugganpubs.wordpress.com.

She is the author of "The Not-Ready-for-Juillilard Players" and "April Fools Daily" (exp. Oct. 1, 2021).

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